Outdoor Office and Cat-Patio
This Outdoor Office and Cat Patio make an all-in-one multi-functional outdoor living space. The Outdoor Office is “just-right.” It’s compact-fresh-clean-functional AND gives work-space privacy away from inside home-dwellers. While working throughout the day, a window allows picture perfect views of the backyard.
Outdoor Living is another huge perk here. Included: concrete surface and steps, Catio (Cat Patio), flower, veggie & tomato beds, grill area dining space, office shed, and outdoor living space.
Our Homeowner speaks out: The goal of our Catio is to give all our feline friends that live here a safe space go to enjoy the outdoors but without exposing them to the dangers of being outdoor Cats. When cats are left outdoors they face premature life spans. They’re at risk of poisoning, being hit by a car and of course impacting all the beautiful birds we have here in Oregon, so we created this Outdoor Catio space to keep our cats safe at home.
We’re hoping this year part of part of the Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon Catio Walking Tour which is health every September big fundraiser for them and that’s a partnership with the Portland autobahn society to protect our outdoor wildlife and give our cats a safe space at home to enjoy the outside. Tour: mark your calendar for the 2021 Tour on September 11
Well Done Homeowners! We can’t wait to tour your Catio Backyard space in this portfolio and our Cat Lovers may be dropping by on the physical tour!
Farris Property 2021
Photographer: Bill Burk
Project Features
Custom Pool & Spa
Ambiance & Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor Living Space
Wood Burning Pizza Oven
Water Features
Outdoor Media & Entertainment
Finished Project

Landscape Design

Before Gallery

During Construction