Backyard Living Spaces
In Newcombe Property Backyard Living Spaces they added all the comforts of home. With all the amenities, conveniences, fun features – and put them in your outdoor living space… maybe, just maybe, it will resemble this ‘living the good life landscape.’
Our incredible homeowners have a knack for developing what appears to be an easy and effortless way of living, outdoor living that is.
Beginning with koi pond, putting green, plants and trees, they etched the borders of the property. When it came to filling in the framework, their ideas came to life in the hands of the Paradise Restored design team.
The design plan uses comfort elements and a big lazy kitchen and living room, to entice the senses and trigger relaxation mode . . . The fire and water elements, lounge patio and sun porch add youthful distractions and zest!
You’ll see as you tour the landscape why it feels so good… plenty of the feel-good areas and gathering spots. Well done Newcombe family! Your finished landscape is priceless.
Project Features
Custom Pool & Spa
Ambiance & Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor Living Space
Wood Burning Pizza Oven
Water Features
Outdoor Media & Entertainment
Finished Project

Landscape Design

Before Gallery
During Construction